Monday, January 2, 2012

I'm a little bit in love with Ron Paul.

I’m a bit little obsessed with the Iowa Caucus.  I can’t get enough of hearing about the candidates on NPR and CNN (now there’s two different approaches to reporting the news). And…  I’m a little bit in love with Ron Paul.

I’m no Republican. I disagree with him on most of the issues. But I appreciate his stand on personal freedom. He’s interested in preserving the constitution.  He also has this charisma I’m completely attracted to. But what I love most about him is his congruity, his consistency, and his integrity. I am so impressed with the way he takes a stand based on his values. He isn’t influenced by lobbyists and he doesn’t flip flop.

That’s so rare to see in real life, much less in a politician. Those qualities- congruity, consistency, integrity- are qualities I look to emulate. A little charisma wouldn’t hurt me either.

I can’t vote for him. But I can admire him and practice those qualities in my life. And I’m definitely going to be a little bit in love with him.

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