Wednesday, December 19, 2012

My Handsome Man

I met Johnson on June 14th, 2005. He was a funny looking dog. Half basset hound, half lab, and beautiful golden brown eyes. I was newly married and we had been talking and dreaming about a dog. We saw him. We fell in love when he flopped over in the grass with his long ears, short legs, and rub-my-belly grin. We put in our adoption application, nervous about being adequate doggy parents. I was so excited. But I never knew what I was getting myself into.

I never knew that learning to train him would lead me to teaching dog training classes. Those were hours and hours filled with joy. (And a little frustration.)

I never knew that my interest in canine behavior and nutrition would lead me to become a veterinary technician where I met a couple of my very best friends, and my little terrier.

I never knew that when he wouldn’t walk, and I sat next to him on the sidewalk in tears, that chiropractic would be the answer.

I never knew that chiropractic would be my future. That I would have this focus and drive. A purpose that I was unaware of until he showed me one little aspect of what chiropractic is.

I never knew that when my husband and I broke up that Johnson would stay in Madison with him while I came to Davenport. I never knew that I would be without them. I never knew that broken hearts heal or that broken dreams are replaced by larger aspirations.

I never knew that when I received a text from my ex at 9:28 am informing me Johnson was taken to the emergency vet that he wouldn’t come home again. That we wouldn’t have answers as to why he had almost no platelets in order to stop the internal bleeding. That I would receive a phone call from the vet while I was in the school cafeteria and that the tears streaming down my cheeks would be so hot. 

I know that I will never throw balls for him again. I know that I will never bury my face in his neck and smell his stink again. I know that I won’t ever fight him for space on the couch again. It hurts so much to know those things.

And now I know, as I type in tears, that some of the most wonderful and beautiful things in life are those that I never knew.