I was told I need to slow down.
I don’t always listen to advice, but I was told I needed to
slow down by someone so wise, someone who knows me so well, by someone I love
and respect so much… and it struck a chord of truth in me… so I want to try to
slow down. What does “slow down” even mean? It means stillness. Quiet. Reflection.
Gratitude. Self-compassion. Slow down. Just be.
I don’t know how.
I have a lot I want to do. Right now, my future job and plans
are very up in the air and uncertain. That’s scary for me, but things happen
for a reason and I was given this time and opportunity for a reason. But that reason
couldn’t be to slow down, could it?
But I want to read books and take classes and work an hourly
job and visit offices and join Toastmasters and research articles and write and
learn more technique and successful people don’t slow down or let up.
Do they? And what does it matter what “successful” people
do? I’m me, not those people. And I love me, don’t I? Or is staying busy just
another thing to avoid being with myself?
Hmmmm. So I’ve been keeping my eyes and ears open for ways
to slow down. To be still. Quiet. Reflect. Be grateful. Self-compassionate. Slow down. And of course, the first thing I turn to is
meditation. To be in the moment, to be in the now. And my heart’s
racing because I ate a bunch of circus peanuts before I sat down.
(FYI- eating candy does not improve the meditative
Since my heart’s racing anyway I run. I love to run. I can
be outside with my iPod and one of the dogs. Exercise always helps. And I run
so fast. Why am I running so fast? It’s so cold and I gasp for the freezing air
until my lungs hurt. My legs hurt. My chapped lips hurt. But I keep running
fast and push myself harder. Crap. This is the opposite of slowing down.
Once I’m home (and warmed up) I go bother my brother. No better
distraction than sitting on the floor in my brother’s office while he’s working!
Then we’re both distracted. But it’s fun because we talk about everything. He’s
so serious and I try so hard to make him laugh until I succeed. Sweet,
hilarious success! I love my brother. I’m
so grateful he’s my roommate. I’m so grateful he’s my bother. I’m so grateful
we laugh so much together. But eventually I have to leave him alone so he can
get some actual work done. Lame.
So I go on facebook. And as much as facebook is a great way
to not be with myself, there are some gems. I follow some
links and learn about maitri. Pema Chodron describes it as “unconditional friendship
with oneself”. Self-compassion as the basis of compassion for others. Compassion
is important because it’s the basis of connection and now I have another thing
to work on to improve myself so I can be great!
Oh dear. Actually, I think I’ve missed the point.
Off to the library. I can ride my bike and browse the
selves. The library is so interesting because it’s a public space full of
quiet. The quiet is exactly what I need right now. I find The Seven Spiritual
Laws of Success. Hurray! A guide to success! So I read through them… and it’s
all about the path of least resistance and letting go of your attachment to the
outcome and letting life flow. Oh. But I want things to turn out a certain way. So badly. And when
you want something, you chase it down, you put sweat into it, you make it
happen. Yes?
Is slowing down a path to success?
But aren’t these ideas exactly why I love meditation? It’s a
state of ease and openness. Always, I am attempting to listen to God and find
meaning in the everyday occurrences. I strive to live from above, down, inside, out. So why the contradiction between making it
happen and letting it flow? I agree that success is following your purpose. Dharma
is following your purpose… my purpose is to serve through chiropractic. I’ve
established that already. Right?!?
I’m pretty sure it’s not productive to yell at the universe.
(But maybe worth trying?)
So I take a breath of stillness… (and another one)… I read on…
in a moment of openness and ease I agree that your purpose can change from day
to day and moment to moment. And for a moment I am still and quite. And I allow
myself to be. (Isn’t that the very essence of self-compassion?) For one little
second I have slowed down.
On the bike ride home I listen to the chain turn over the
teeth of the gears. I try to make the chain turn more slowly. And I reflect.
Could my purpose be as simple as to keep learning? At every
corner and every opportunity? Maybe not in a high pressure “should” or “must” kind
of way, but in a state of ease? Could my purpose, just for today, be to be
open? To write a little? To laugh with my brother? Why does it have to be so
large and lofty? Maybe, quietly, these things little things are large and
lofty. I mean, if I’m here, doing this, maybe it’s because it is my purpose.
Sharing a bag of chips with my dogs.
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