Sunday, April 15, 2012

Liar Liar

The people that are closest to us have the ability to hurt us the most. They know what to say, they know where to poke, they know how to best salt a wound. That sucks.

But, so much worse than that, is when we are our own worst enemy. The things the outside world says and does can hurt, but the things we tell ourselves can be so much worse. When it comes to talking to me, I’m a big liar.

Lie #1: I am fat and ugly.

Lie #2: That mean note I wrote to Jennifer in middle school makes me a bad person for the rest of my life.

Lie #3: A box on the wall chiropractic practice will never work.

Lie #4: If it’s hard and scary I should just give up.

Lie #5:  I’m a huge failure because I couldn’t keep my marriage together.

Lie #6: I will just make the same mistakes over and over again.

Lie #7: What other people think matters.

Lie #8: I’m not smart enough.

Lie #9: I’m too little to be big.

Lie #10: I am anything less than love.

I’m not sure how to work with this. I know that identifying these as lies is a step in the right direction… And I know everyone speaks to themselves in damaging ways.  So how to stop? I’m not sure.

I am sure of many truths about myself. Is it a matter of the truths out weighing the lies? Or is there a way to really stop lying to ourselves?

I do know that I’m learning from my mistakes. I’m working every day at being big. And I know in my heart that I am love. Those are important truths.

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